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In Memory of Grandma 怀念奶奶


  It is incredible that it has already been a year since dear grandma’s passing, and I think about her often. I cherish the time that we had together, and I feel extremely fortunate to have visited last summer. As you requested, I have written a few memories I have of us, although I can’t remember everything, especially from when I was much younger.
  When I was in 1st grade, you and Grandma visited us in San Jose. I remember the first day you arrived, Dad had picked you two up from the airport in the red Toyota minivan. Brian and I were walking to the babysitter’s house down the street when Dad pulled up along the sidewalk. Brian and I immediately knew what it meant and we very excitedly rushed over to hug you. From then on, Grandma would walk us home every day from school. Sometimes it would be very sunny and hot, and she would bring an umbrella. We would stop beneath the large, shady palm tree on the corner of Burnham and Adams, right around the corner from our house. We would finally arrive home and Brian and I would sit on the couch and drink soda with straws while watching Little Bear on TV.
  One time, Grandma agreed to chaperone my 1st grade field trip to the San Jose Children’s Science Museum. I said she only spoke Chinese, so my teacher only assigned Chinese kids to our group. Though there was a slight language barrier, all of my classmates really loved Grandma and thought she was a great chaperone. She even bought us Icees at the museum. The next day, we all wrote thank you letters for her because we really enjoyed having her with us on the trip!
  Grandma would often accompany Brian and me to the community center and park across the street. Even though it was just across the street, we would have to go all the way around to the nearest crosswalk to cross. We would laugh because the walk signal would only last a few seconds before turning into the flashing hand signal, and we would try to race to try to make it before it changed. At the park, we would walk around and feed the ducks, or sit in the tire swing.
  A few years later, Brian and I visited Beijing in the summer. One of the things we did was take swimming lessons at a pool that wasn’t particularly close by. Grandma or Grandpa, or sometimes Dad, would bring us to the pool and pick us up twice a week. Every time, Grandma would neatly fold the towels and place them in our bags, and upon our return, take them out and hang them to dry. Later that summer, we were told that Grandma had been hospitalized for complications with her heart condition. At the time, I did not fully understand the gravity of the situation, and we were told that it was because she had overworked ourselves cleaning our dirty towels. It wasn’t until a few summers later that I noticed that every night, after I went to sleep, and every morning, before I woke up, Grandpa would take Grandma’s blood pressure using an old monitor that still used mercury, and record the readings in a little booklet.
  In my first year of high school, we were required to interview a family member about a moment in history. I asked Grandma to share a story from her childhood. She talked to me about attending an elementary school run by American nuns and her town being patrolled by Japanese soldiers. This might have been the first time I came to fully realize just how much history Grandma had lived through, and just how diverse and inspiring her life experiences were.
  That summer, I returned to Beijing to visit as well as to attend a Chinese-American exchange summer program. It was 2008, the year Beijing was hosting the Summer Olympics. Beijing had changed greatly since the last time we had met. Grandma, Grandpa, and I took many opportunities to go around the city to see all of the changes implemented by the government to ensure that Beijing looked pristine for its international viewing. I was originally scheduled to fly back to America on August 8th—the precise day of the Opening Ceremony. However, we were able to push the date back a few days, and I watched the Opening Ceremony on the couch, sitting between two of my most cherished family members. We could hear fireworks into the night, and the entire nation was filled with excitement and anticipation.
  Also, that summer, Dad’s cousin Xue Wei in Shanghai bought me a pair of bright yellow Crocs sandals to match her daughter’s, which Grandma laughed at and affectionately called my “duck shoes.”
  When I left, I remember looking back after passing the security checkpoint and seeing Grandma and Grandpa still standing there. Grandma’s face was wet from tears, and I remember feeling the saddest I had ever felt in my life, leaving the two of them.
  My most recent trip to China was last summer. Grandma had tripped on a misplaced manhole cover a few weeks prior, so her leg was confined to a cast. Though she was overjoyed to see me again, I could see a tinge of sadness in her eyes as she knew that, handicapped in such a way, she wouldn’t be able to leave the apartment much or take me out. However, toward the end of summer, we were able to take short walks during the evening around the hospital. We walked slowly and carefully and enjoyed the evening ambiance. Due to her limitations, Grandma would need help washing her feet and rebandaging her leg. Grandpa and I were happy to take over many of the household chores, like grocery shopping, during this time.
  She still cooked during this time, so I still got to eat all of her delicious foods. She knew I liked the shredded carrots and the cauliflower with ketchup. Before we went out, she would make a list of groceries to buy and also give us advice on how to choose the best vegetables. It made her laugh when Grandpa would bring back an obviously dried up and shriveled bunch of vegetables.
  I think my favorite of her dishes was the cauliflower with ketchup. She made it often and showed me how she made it, explaining that after her mother passed on, she had had to learn to cook, and as a result came up with many simple recipes. Just the other day, I tried to make this cauliflower dish. Though it did not taste quite the same as its Chinese counterpart, it reminded me of sitting around the square table with the Snoopy table liner in the middle of the apartment, enjoying a filling lunch with my grandparents.
  I spent three weeks in China that summer, and at times, it seemed to pass by slowly. Grandma would sit down in the large armchair in Grandpa’s room and I would sit on Grandpa’s bed. She would take my hand and soothingly pat it while telling me a story about her childhood, or Dad’s childhood, or my own childhood. Sometimes these stories would elicit strong emotions from her as she told it, remembering all of the struggles and successes. We would pass the mornings by like this.
  On the day of my departure, Grandma’s leg was still not fully healed, but the three of us still went together to the airport. It was hard to believe three weeks had already passed, and it was unclear when would be the next time I would see them. It is hard for me to describe the sadness the overcame me while we said good bye, but it was overshadowed by the amount of love and respect I have for my Grandma and Grandpa.
  Connie Hsueh ,Aug.7, 2012
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