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What a huge loss!

Jianping Mei

  Dear Mr. Luo Yi, you and I just met and made handshaking each other last Saturday. I dont know you left so quick. At that moment your voice so weak but your smile and warmly firmed handshaking made me thinking deeply...
  I felt you tried to say “welcome” after my telling my family settling down in California . You gave a long time concern and help to my family relocation. At the early of this year, you suggested using a CA local address and phone on my resume could help job hunting and you recommended using yours for me. Through your smile and hand shaking, I knew you try to express your truly congratulation. Your whole life was full of love: love others and be loved from others.
  Through your smile and handshaking, I also feel you try to comfort me dont worry too much, each of us will face either aging or sickness. We must face it positively and fight toward the end. At your last days, you still tried to show me how to walk bravely at the end of your journey. You are one of my best models.
  Through your smile and handshaking, you tried to tell that you did not regret your all choices in your life. From a naïve and smart child to a well-educated and skilled man, you chose and did what you believed was right and necessary. You just accomplished all your answers in your life. You courage guides me to finish my life homework.
  Mr. Luo Yi, you might have some worry to your family. Please dont forget you have many brothers and sisters around them, and mainly your wife and children are strong enough for their better life. 请家人节哀.
  Dear Mr. Luo Yi, You will live in our hearts forever.
原文10/18/2007 2:03 PM 发表于CA, USA  浏览:1126
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2008/1/22 14:15:48

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