About a month ago, we got e-mail from Kaining that LuoYi was in serious situation. I was really worried. SoI called Luo Yi immediately."Did you hear something?" A smiling voice camethrough. The lightness of the voice made me relaxed.So we started to talk. In the middle, I asked iftransplant was a choice. Luo Yi told me that there wassome one who had liver transplant, and it only lastedsix years. So he did not want to go that route. And hetalked very casually, and sounded quite hopeful.I then told him about vegan diet. A friend of minehealed from liver cancer. And one of important stepshe did is following a vegan diet. That is a quitrestricted diet with no meat, no milk, and no eggs. Atthe time, Luo Yi was already taken a veggie diet withsmall amount of meat, milk and eggs. "How good eggstaste like," he said with a laugh.I was a little surprised. For me, eggs are just tooordinary to be taste good. There are just too muchfood around, and nothing seems taste especially goodanymore.I asked my friend to talk with him about his ownexperiences.A few days later, Kaining told us that Luo Yi keptloosing strength. My heart started sinking. I talkedto Luo Yi again. He told me that my friend has calledhim, and he was so confident now. And he was taking awalk in the woods every day, taking vegan diet, andwatching DVDs etc. He is confidence again calmed medown.The third time, I talked with XueSong, and Luo Yi wasalready in the hospital. XueSong told me that when Dr.gave him milk or eggs he would not take them.He triedto walk although it was quite difficult now. He feltstomach bloated. If it were pain, there were medicineto help. But there is no medicine to relieve thestomach fullness. He even said, it might just beeasier to use a knife for the stomach.My heart was broken. I wrote the poem for Luo Yi.And I started to wonder if I should not have told himabout vegan diet, will that make him a little morerelaxed and enjoy food a little more? Kaibin, myhusband, said:" It does not matter, either way, he isgreat." He then added, "I did not know him before, butI am touched by him. He is brave and strong. I admirehim a lot."Kaining let me know that XueSong did read the poem toLuo Yi, and he cried. That made me cry too.Now I realized what does the connected mean. When onesuffers, we all suffer.I also realized what does the loss mean. Every one wemet in our life, becomes part of our life. When theyare gone, we felt the impact.During Luo Yis last month, what he left to me is thatsoft, calm, smiling, and even a little cheerful voice. |