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From Weixing Jiang


  So sad this happened finally. Indeed a big pain for all of us. I didnt realize I missed him so much until these days. I just can not help not thinking of him. He is such a person so kindly that wins love and respects from all of us. He deserves. When we were together, he always gave me a feeling of an elder brother. In my memory, whenever there was a need of someone to stand out to help he was always there, in the front. It is just hard to believe such a good friend has left, so early. We lived closely for over ten years. First in Tsinghua, then in Ottawa. He is one of the few friends I have lived closely for so long. I am sure I will remember him forever. He will live in my heart.
  It is a pity many of us can not say good-bye to him face to face. Let us keep silent for a minute at the time of the funeral, to wish him a good journey to his after life.
原文10/19/2007 5:45 AM 发表于Ottawa, Canada  浏览:776
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2008/1/22 14:13:54

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