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Three emails from Judy Chau Le


  Third one (Dec 06, 2007)
  Hi Xuesong,
  I cried so much after I hear the news about Yi since Yi is so good person and so kind to everyone. I wasnt expect this will ever happen to Yi. He never mention about it but still help me when I ask him about job.I know it is such a big loss for you and your family and you are not prepare for this.I pray God will help you to stay strong to be there for your children. Please let me know if you ever need anything as Yi always do me favor and I never have any chance to give back. Stay in touch and let me know if you ever get anything.
  Please stay strong.
  Second one (Dec 06, 2007)
  Hi Xuesong,
  I am so sorry to hear the news. So so sorry to hear about it. I didnt know since I havent talk to Yi for a while. I was so busy with work. So sad and so shock to hear that. Yi is such a nice and helpful person. He alway smile and help other people. He is so amazing person at heart and smart person.I am deeply sorry to hear about this.If there is anything I can do for you and your family, please let me know.I owe Yi so much as he helped me in my career and get job. He is alway a helpful person.May I ask what happened to Yi? There was a accident or Yi was sick?So sad to hear the news. May God be with you and your family.
  First one ( Nov 28, 2007)
  Hi Yi,
  How are you? How things are going with you?I almost finish my contract at MS. Now, I am looking for position. Too bad, I didnt go for that position last time. Do you know they still hiring in your company? Do you know any one is hiring there?I want to get a new job soon.How is your life there? How do you like San Francisco? I like to live there now even just a contract. I like to explore new place. Thanks,Judy
原文Dec 06, 2007 发表于Seattle, USA  浏览:584
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2008/1/22 13:49:03

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