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We Are With You

Wei Li

  Dear Luo Yi,
  We may not know how much you are suffering,
  The pain, the weakness, and the concern for the family,
  Unless we have suffered ourselves.
  We may not know what challenge it is, to put the soul through such agony,
  Unless we have being there before.
  But we do know,
  Your familiar smile,
  Your tender voice on the phone.
  It has not changed,
  Although time has gone by.
  It is just like when we were in Tsinghua.
  You served as student leader,
  Shining lights into our young hearts,
  Shaping our dreams for tomorrow.
  Years later,
  Being in a different land,
  As fate carries us to,
  You played so many roles in communities,
  Contributing to others in numerous ways.
  We feel your heart;
  We sense your energy.
  You have made differences in the world and in people’s lives.
  That spirit,
  That passion,
  Connects us together.
  We are with you.
  May your strength, and our love for you,
  Accompany your journey through the difficult time,
  And see the light through.
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2008/1/19 14:07:36

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