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From Shaomin Mo

Shaomin Mo

  Yi Luo was born on xxx 1955.
  After completed bis high school in 1974, he settled down in countrside as most of his generation at the time. During four years of labor work, his enthuthiasm. dedication and hard working was widely recognized;
  his deeds was reported in Beijin Daily, a well-known newspapaer in China.
  In 1977 when the Natonal Colleage Entrance Examination system was restored he was admitted with outstanding scores into Tsinghua University, majoring in electrical engineering. After completely his undergraduate study, he was accepted into graduate program at Automation Institute,
  Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1982. He received his Master degree in computer engineering in 1994. In addition to his excellent acedemic achievement, he also showed talenst in various fields such as music, sports and social activity.
  In 1986, he went to Hungary to advance his education and research in computer science and engineering. In xxx years of graduate study at xxxx (univerity), he overcame language, culture and many other difficulties, and successfully complelted his Ph.D. degree in 1992.
  He has a wonderful and happy family. He married to Xuesong Xiao in 1983 and they have two beautiful and smart daughters. Being together with his family and doing all he can for his family have been his ultimate joy Yi Luo is a trully decent and dependable man, treating people with respect, and kindness, and always ready to help others.
  Even though he left this world,he still lives in our hearts. He will always be among us, and be our very best frined.
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2008/1/19 14:03:43

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