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From Xiaoping Lei

Xiaoping Lei

  I am so sad about Luo Yi’s abrupt leaving, even I don’t want to believe it is true. Just about two weeks ago, I visited him in the hospital. I encouraged him to eat more and have an optimistic outlook, and he promised me to do his best to get better. Yet he passed away a week later. It is a great loss to both his family and his friends.
  I have known Xuesong’s couple for decades. Xuesong is my college classmate and a close friend, and her marrying Luo Yi used to be a great news. Every girl in my class admired Xuesong since she found such an intelligent, considerate, and joyful husband. I met Luo Yi for the first time in 1997 when Xuesong’s family traveled from Canada to Baltimore to visit us. I was immediately impressed by Yi’s humor, versatility, and compassion for his wife and daughters. He chatted with us on his childhood, his family, and his experience during the Cultural Revolution. And he talked about “Qi Gong” which he tried to practice everyday. He also played piano and sang with his little daughter who was only four years old. His bright and easy character made himself very close to everyone in my family, and we talked about him for quite a while after he left.
  A few years ago, Luo Yi found a new job in California and we gathered together again at our Chico home. Yi was happy and humorous as always, and he performed opera, revolutionary songs, and piano for us. We found his great pride in his lovely daughters who were growing up successfully and who were becoming his intimate friends. Afterwards, we paid a returning visit to their home at Cupertino during the Thanksgiving week in 2006. We had dinner together and Yi celebrated this event by performing piano and Taiji. His Taiji performance was graceful and energetic. Then, I mentioned that I would like to learn about it, and he sent to me a DVD of Taiji subsequently.
  Luo, Yi was a model employee. He worked very hard, sometimes passing midnight. Xuesong told me that, even in his sickness, he still worked whenever he felt a little bit better.
  I knew that Yi was sick in January 2007. During this ten month period I talked to Xuesong almost every week about Yi’s illness, changes, and treatment. Both Yi and Xuesong were very strong and brave. They confronted the disease and tried to overcome it. We all believed that the new technology and medicine could save his life…
  Luo, Yi loved music. About a month ago, I tried to invite Xuesong’s family to San Francisco Symphony. Yet Yi was too weak to go, and he told me that he would go next time when he was getting better.
  Even during the last two weeks, he still didn’t want his daughters to miss any classes, even piano classes, to stay with him.
  Yet Yi became fatally ill and finally left us. He was a responsible employee, a creative engineer, a trustful friend, and a loving father and husband. He made significant contributions to his family and the society during his relatively short life, and rewarded us with wonderful memories and inspirations. We will never forget his smiling face, touching voice, and funny jokes, and want to express our profound sorrow and condolence to Xuesong and her daughters.
  May Yi’s soul rest in peace.
原文10/24/2007 9:18 pm 发表于CA, USA  浏览:891
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2008/1/19 13:18:10

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