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IEEE 千年奖 (王平洋同志曾在2000年9月获得IEEE的千年奖)


  关于千年奖,现在我试做进一步的说明。IEEE曾发百年奖,这次是千年奖。颁发奖牌的主席把百年奖和千年奖有一个说明, 我现在把发奖主席的原话,逐段翻译,以供参考。 洋
   The IEEE Millennium Medals
   IEEE 千年奖
  Honors from ones peers are always sweeter, and the IEEE is now in the process of honoring almost 3000 of its members for outstanding contributions by awarding them the IEEE Third Millennium Medals. The criteria for members to be named a Third Millennium Medal Recipient are: " Outstanding Contributions to a section, community chapter,or area of technology"
  同行所给的荣誉比什么都更甜蜜。 现在IEEE正在给3000名会员,为了他们的特除贡献,给以“IEEE第三个千年奖”。奖的标准是“为分会,学会,专业组或技术领域作出了特除贡献”
  Not since the 1984 IEEE Centennial Medal has the IEEE given an Institute-wide award to honor such a select and special group of members. Now the IEEE marks the end of one millennium and the beginning of another with such an award. The Third Millennium Medals will honor 3000 outstanding members.
  World-renown sculptor Gladys Gunter created the medals. Her work includes the 1984 IEEE Centennial Medal and the 1980 Winter Olympic Medallions. The design includes a world map symbolizing the global nature of the IEEE and the words "in celebration of the Third Millenium". Each award is customized with the recipients name.
  举世闻名的雕刻家Gradys Gunter创作了这个奖牌。她也曾为1984IEEE的百年奖和1980年冬季奥令匹克奖创制奖牌。这块奖牌的设计为一幅世界地图,象征IEEE的国际性和“祝贺第三个千年奖”。每个奖牌上都镌刻了得奖者自己的姓名。
  The IEEE Centennial Medals were presented in 1984 to 1984 members to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the IEEEs earliest predessor society, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1884. In 1984 the Institute had a little over 260,000 members. Today, the Institute boasts a membership of over 352,000, and 3000 medals will be given out.
  At this time I would like to take the opportunity to publicly introduce the winners of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal who are here tonight. Will the awardees please stand and be recognized. Ladies and gentlemen, Our honored colleagues!
  我高兴地在这次会上公开宣布千年奖获得者。请获奖者站起来和大家见面。 女士们,先生们,这几位就是得奖誉的同行们。
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2003/5/20 11:18:28

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王平洋IEEE 千年奖 (王平洋同志曾在2000年9月获得IEEE的千年奖)(访问2031次)
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