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If there is heaven.


  Last night I lay in bed, thinking of you. In those dreams I saw your face, you gently holding my hands, like when I was a small kid, your sweet baby. I dreamed of you being sick, calling my name and missing me so. I was so afraid something was going to happen, but unfortunately those dreams turned out to be true. You left us without a single word and me, your favorit grandchild, was unable to be there to see you off.
  For all the twenty more years we were together, you have become the dearest person in my life. You taught me everything when I was young and wondered which way to go. Now I grew up into a smart girl, and a capable young woman, ready to embrace the best of life. Although I had to leave you, there has not be a day passing by without missing you. There is always a part of my heart that loves you, cares you and prays for you. Dear grandmother, could you see me and hear me cry those tears? Could you reach out your hands and let me hold for just one more time? I dont know whether there is really a place named heaven. If there is, your soul must have already reached there. And I know, you will always be there for me, looking down upon me from eternity. Please come and visit me, across all the thousands of miles between us. But please do, and give me a chance to say how much I love you, how I am proud of you, for all your kindness, and all your wisdom. And I will try to work my way ahead, so one day you will say from heaven, you are proud of me too.
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2001/6/11 8:36:08

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