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Paradise for Mum

To my beloved Mum


  妈妈, 您好吗?
  今天在备课, 要上的这篇文章讲的是一起交通事故带给家人和朋友的哀伤。 备课的时候我哭了, 我想起了您, 而文章中的每句话好象都是这些年我的心情! 我不知道我是否能够顺利的把课上下来!可此时我有那么多话想说, 所以我把它们写下, 送给您, 我最亲爱的妈妈!
  To my beloved mum-------2002/3/27
  Six years ago, on a never-to be-forgotten night, you left us forever in the hospital minutes after the traffic accident due to the careless driver without seeing your beloved laughter for the last time!
  The days followed, I don’t know how I have managed to survive with such a broken heart. I wish the abhorrent driver could have come to see all the lives his act has changed!. Thanks to all the friends and relatives, I struggle to face the fact while at the same time holding the truth that no one else in the world could fully understand the grieves of which those empty words could barely touched the depths.
  These several years, I seldom mentioned this whole chapter of my life to those around me. But I never failed to ask myself the question: How could I survive it, which, I am sure, many of those who have stood beside to cheer me up have long wished to ask but dare not. Yeah, How can a daughter who, overwhelmed by grief, could barely breathe as she watched her mother’s coffin disappear into the earth, could survive all those countless days and nights without the beloved mother around!
  These years, I go back to the empty home; look across the table at a vacant chair, climb into the empty bed, feel the pain of no voice, no touch, no laughter, no love. Where there was once intimacy and warmth, now there is only absence and despair! How many times deep into the night, the pain goes beyond control, leaking out in tears and exploding in cries. Sleep offers no better cure for such a broken heart suffering from all the nightmare of awakening nights! And morning brings nothing other than the irreversibility of the harsh reality and unbearable loss!
  For many years, I have waited for the door to open with my beloved mother’s smiling face telling me everything was only a nightmare; for the phone to ring with my beloved mother’s comforting voice ensuring me everything was over! But every morning when I open my eyes, I fall into deep sorrow as all the hopes fade into nothingness. The phone will not ring, the door will not open, the weight of a new day becomes unbearable in a world in which all the hopes and promises have been broken by force!
  As to the following future, I don’t know what it would be like. But I am sure of one thing-- my beloved mother is and will be always deep in my heart encouraging me to face all the possible difficulties and setbacks in my life. With so many words to beloved mother, I wish She, far in the heaven, would receive my greeting and know my missing and could come to see me as often as possible!
  I love you forever, mum!
原文2002/3/27 发表于at home  浏览:1238
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2002/3/27 17:43:29

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