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  发信人: lanpy (快乐的小肥猪立志成为野猪), 信区: DEE
  标题: 代兄发文----纪念他的朋友,师兄王旭
  发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Apr 21 20:56:28 2001)
   I learned this sad news last Saturday.I know Wang Xu very much because he was the Fu3 Dao3 Yuan2 of class of 1996.He was from W21( like I am from W44). He passed away on Friday April 13th due to an accident in freeway in Missouri on the way to see his girl friend in St. Louis.He was a very nice, talented, and promising young man.We were actually very good friends. He had excellent academic performance.He got into Tsinghua PhD program directly in 1997 and became the Fu Dao Yuan in the same year.He got a H-1 visa and started to work in a company in Missouri this January.
   He has just been here in US for only three months and it was said he has not even got one chance to see his girl friend.
   I was feeling great sorrow for him.It was just like an unbelievble nigtmare.I still remember those days when we were having fun, drinking beer, and eating watermelon together in the dorm.You may understanding this kind of feeling.I am wondering why the God treats such an excellent young man in such an unfair way.Maybe God got envied about those genius?I dont know what to say and I am just praying for him and wish him peace and happiness in the heaven.Could you go to the following website, maybe sending him some flowers,or, simply praying him the best, although you dont know him at all?
   I have learned so many sad news about some alumini, friends, and those I am not familiar since I came abord.I also learned many good things from those people.Life is not easy but it IS beautiful.No matter how tuffthe life looks like, no matter how bad you are feeling about you luck,keep in mind one essential point: cherish your life, not only for yourselfbut also for the world around you.
   I will be fine and take care of yourself.
设置 修改 撤销 录入时间:2001/4/21 22:38:25

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